QPM SEA Award Winners

‘The Remotes’, ‘Filipiñana’ Win Top Prizes At QCinema Project Market

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John Torres’ The Remotes and Rafael Manuel’s Filipiñana were presented with the top prizes in the Philippines section of QCinema Project Market (QPM), each taking a Philippines Co-production Grant worth $55,000 (PHP3m).

In the Southeast Asia section of the event, Southeast Asia Co-production Grants of $35,000 were handed out to The Sea is Calm Tonight, from Vietnam’s Le Bao, and two projects from Singaporean filmmakers – Nelson Yeo’s The Drought and Boo Junfeng’s Trinity (Southeast Asian project winners are pictured above). 

The inaugural edition of QPM, the official industry arm of QCinema International Film Festival (November 17-26), handed out funding of close to $500,000 in monetary support and co-production grants. See full list of award winners below.

QPM hosted a two-day networking and pitching event for 19 feature-length fiction films from the Philippines and Southeast Asia. Film project representatives attended one-on-one meetings with local and international producers and production and post-production company representatives.

QCinema Project Market 2023 award winners: 

Philippines Co-production Grant ($55,000, PHP3m):
The Remotes by John Torres
Filipiñana by Rafael Manuel
Philippines Co-production Grant ($27,000, PHP1.5m):
Ella Arcangel: Ballad Of Tooth And Claw by Mervin Malonzo
The Boy And The Fight Of Spiders (Diwalwal) by Jarell Serencio
Southeast Asia Co-production Grant ($35,000):
The Sea is Calm Tonight by Le Bao (Vietnam)
The Drought by Nelson Yeo (Singapore)
Trinity by Boo Junfeng (Singapore)

Partner Awards:

CMB Discovery Award (worth $18,000, PHP1m):
Filipiñana (Philippines)
Violet Flower (Philippines)

CMB Discovery Award – Philippines ($9,000, PHP500,000):
A: Chasing B (Philippines)
Hold My Gaze (Philippines, Taiwan)

CMB Discovery Award – Southeast Asia ($9,000, PHP500,000):
The Sea is Calm Tonight (Vietnam)
The Burning Giants (Thailand)

CreaZion Studios Award:
RIA (Philippines)

Space Lion Award:
RIA (Philippines)

Kongchak Studio Award:
The Drought (Singapore)

Pop Up Film Residency QCinema Award:
Hold My Gaze (Philippines)

Narra Sight and Sound Post Grant:
Underworld (Philippines)

Mocha Chai Award:
The Fox King (Malaysia)

Central Digital Lab Award:
Tale Of The Land (Indonesia)
The Sea Is Calm Tonight (Vietnam)